The Astrological Shifts to Know for 2025 (Heidi Rose Robbins)
Listen now (58 mins) | "With Saturn also entering Aries where it has not been for 29 years. We have the planet of the realist and the planet of the dreamer sitting next to each other..."
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Heidi Rose Robbins is a longtime and gifted astrologer. While I’m certainly not a pro, I have come to love Heidi’s daily moon notes on Instagram. And I’m grateful that my last podcast conversation of the year is with her.
Heidi starts us off with an astrological snapshot of this moment in time. We go on a few tangents, of course, and Heidi delves a bit into Trump’s chart. Looking ahead into the new year, Heidi breaks down the five major outer planets that are shifting into new signs—and what these changes mean for all of us. She explains why her friend, an astrological historian, is calling this “the era of plot twists.”
On an individual level, Heidi shares an invitation to give the gift of your rising sign now. And we spend the last 10 minutes or so of our conversation going through a mini debrief of every sign, and the reasons why each one can get a bad rap from time to time.
After Heidi departs, I’ll share some more final thoughts before we slip into the new year.
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Hi, Elise.
Nice to see you.
I'm so happy to see you. I'm having a day where I'm feeling really tender and so it's nice to see you.
It is, yeah. Yeah, I've been having a lot of those days and just keep resetting. Right? It's so interesting what's required.
Yeah. I know a lot of people in the healing arts and psychic intuitives and astrologers, and many of them were predicting this or predicting something that they couldn't quite articulate because it didn't resonate with their own preferences, if that makes sense. And so I think a lot of them were like, well, I kept going back and feeling actually calm about what would happen, which I was interpreting as this election would go according to my own political preferences. I'm sure people were asking you to tell them what would happen. Were you making predictions?
Well, I think I was falling into a little bit of hope. Our mutual friend, Jennifer, free, she was talking about Jupiter on the sun as for Donald Trump as being the king maker. And I was like, yes, but Jupiter on a Gemini sun also brings in so much instability and maybe it will be an implosion before the king is made. But in fact, it was a king maker. And I mean, we obviously had an opportunity to make a different choice that might've been a faster track to where ultimately I think we are headed. I'm always one that advocates for, we're moving towards the light. We are, but I think we've chosen a messier slower route, and that's okay. That's what it is.
Yeah. I read there's a Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan Lee who has become a friend. I've had him on the podcast before and I'm always trying to lure him back, but he's mostly, it seems in retreat in his own mind. But he writes about the darkening of the light in this moment in time, and this makes a lot of sense to me that essentially we have an opportunity as we transition into this new era to make choices in which we enter into the new era at a higher vibration than we might otherwise, or we start lower and then work harder. I haven't had the chance to ask him about this particular moment. I think maybe we're starting lower than we needed to. Although I also feel like Trump's first term, and I tried to put this metaphor in my book. I ended up taking Trump out entirely.
It felt like maybe that was done, and then maybe this is a gross metaphor, but I'm going to try it out on you, Heidi, but that Trump gave this country a facial and in a way that is painful and not attractive, but it starts at least showing you what's underneath the surface and that maybe it just wasn't enough. And so now we're going in for a deeper facial. And it's a disgusting metaphor. I know. And also I'm like, it feels maybe like I was onto something because we all know when you try and push at things and they get more and more inflamed and you got to get the back of it, you got to get it out. So maybe this is what we're heading for.
Yeah, I think that's actually a very good description. I do feel that Trump and this moment in time, all through 24, actually since May of 24, we've had Jupiter in Gemini and it is magnifying the duality. I mean, it couldn't have been more clear. Trump is a Gemini son. Kamala was Gemini rising. The rising sign in the astrology I practice is really the soul's calling. So here she is standing for the soul of Gemini, which is let's build bridges, let's connect, let's stitch this broken heart together, and here's Trump with this Jupiter magnifying the duality, the division, and it couldn't be more clear. The messages were right in front of us, spoken over and over and over again. So there they are, and there's the split. And we chose to keep that split. And I think it's always a very thin, a wavering line or something between whether we're going to tip towards the light or tip the other way. And I think we tipped the other way in this case, and like you said, we're going to just have to do some extra work, but we're seeing it so clearly now the ugliness is not hidden at all. And I think there's maybe some strange relief in that. Like, okay, it's out there. We know who we are or as humanity, as humanity at this moment in time, this snapshot, this is the picture, and now what are we going to do with it?
Yeah, it feels too, Trump is a fascinating creature. I think we can all agree on that. And to me also, I sometimes wonder about his appeal, and I think that his appeal is often overstated when you actually look at what people say about him. A lot of people who support him acknowledge that they think he's crazy or mean that they're sort of holding their noses as they vote for him. So I think sometimes we assume there's this full hearted embrace of him in a way that maybe isn't completely accurate. So I'm just putting it out there. But in terms of the way that he is such a compelling figure for people, I also think he's someone who is fully in his own shadow. He has fully embraced it, and there is no concealing it. I'm not suggesting that there aren't deeper layers in some ways to his darkness.
And we all carry darkness. We all have a shadow. But that there's something about Trump being like, I embrace, I am this dark and shadowy, and I'm showing it to you, that in some ways also doesn't offer people relief because then they're not saying, I know there's a bad side. I know I'm only seeing the good side. I don't know what the bad side is. And I don't know, it's, I'm trying to understand why he's so charismatic and compelling, and I think there's something in his own shadow eating and display of it that offers, well, it certainly feels authentic. You hear people saying that word of him, he's so authentic.
Yeah, I think that's part of his Leo rising. He's 29 degrees Leo. He's not afraid to stand in the spotlight, and he's not afraid to be seen on all sides. And he's a Gemini, so he's got the two sides. So there is something about, yeah, look at me in this all aspects of myself. And of course a Leo rising person ultimately wants the meanness to become the we. It's like, but that's not occurring in any positive way right now in Trump, although it is occurring in the sense that I would say that display of the shadow is giving people permission to live in theirs fully out in the light of day. So in a way, yeah, he is making it possible through his own authenticity, with his shadow for a lot of ugliness to be presented by many people that would've hidden it.
And I know that that's terrifying, and I'm not suggesting that it's not. But I also feel like this is a moment that reflects back to us what happens when we try to pretend like those parts of ourselves don't exist or that those parts of the collective aren't there and don't need to be healed and restored and integrated and embraced. And for each of us that our, I certainly, you see it all over the left, the moral posing and whatnot, and the exclusionary nature that we have, the parts that we would code as less savory or we don't like those people, or those people are on the side of hate. That is our own shadow. So as you talked about this duality, the polarity that's going to become more extreme, I hope it also pops. This is what my next book is about, is looking for ways to puncture the polarity because there's no way through it,
Right? No. And I feel like state the obvious. We are talking at each other. We're not talking with one another. And I have a secret fantasy of a United States pen pal explosion, where we're given a pen pal of a different political party, and we're not allowed to talk politics. We're just getting to know one another because something has to happen. Something very different has to happen. And I think that's the best thing about what's this election is that we're all saying there's no way the old ways will not work. We have to invent something new. And this upcoming year astrologically is fascinating.
Tell us.
Yeah. Well, I mean there's so much change, Elise. Yeah, yeah. I mean basically, let's just say the five major outer planets are shifting into new signs. So Pluto just shifted into Aquarius, and we all hoped that that would signal the crumbling of patriarchy and the crumbling of capitalism on some level. And it did its work. It did a lot of work, but it didn't finally knock it out of the park. And in fact, what's so interesting is that during the election, Pluto was in Capricorn, and instead it kind of empowered, it gave one last like ha to these structures. So it didn't completely crumble. But now Pluto is in Aquarius, and as we've all been hearing it hasn't been there since the American and French Revolution. And so now this heralds a whole new question for us individually and collectively. And I think individually it sort of says, what stands in the way of your truest world service?
And I know that's a big word or a big couple of words, but Aquarius is the water bearer. It wants to distribute, it wants to offer its knowledge, its love. And so we have to ask ourselves with Pluto there, what is preventing it? What can we work on in ourselves? What can we heal in ourselves so we can actually distribute to humanity what we have to distribute? So on an individual level, we get to ask that. And on a collective level, I think what happens now is group work, group work, group work on the smallest level, who are your allies in your neighborhood that want to work on this project? It's no longer an individual climb up the mountain. It's no longer like a solo, like I'm striving for enlightenment. We're only going to do this in pods in communities, in groups, quietly, and sometimes not quietly working. So that's one huge shift. But then there are four other planets that are also shifting next year, which is pretty remarkable. It's not a status quo year.
Yeah. I want to come back to, let's put Aquarius in a parking lot because I know it's significant. What other form are moving?
I'll give you right in a row. So March 30th, Neptune moves into Aries. Neptune has not been an Aries since the Civil War. And if you want to know something really mind blowing, the day before Neptune moved into Aries, the first shots of the Civil War were fired. Now, that doesn't have to scare us because I think we're already in a civil war. Do you know what I mean? I think we have the astrology that I practice, this is always an evolution of consciousness, and I am such an optimist when it comes to this. But it is interesting to think, wow, the last time it was there, we were just entering the Civil War. I think we're in a kind of duality like we were then. But Neptune and Aries, I'll come back to Neptune. Aries, let me just tell you everyone, everything that's shifting Neptune shifts into Aries.
Saturn shifts into Aries, Jupiter shifts into cancer, and Uranus shifts into Gemini. These are planets that take between 12 and 165 years to orbit. So they're very slow moving and they make an impact. So this Neptune Aries piece I think is deeply interesting. I was thinking of someone like, okay, civil war, I was thinking of someone like Harriet Tubman. She stands for the best of Neptune Aries, which is there is an ideal, there is a vision, and there is the action of Aries. It's the spiritual forerunners. It's people with compassion that want to take action. This is the best. And I'll just say that with Saturn also entering Aries, where it has not been for 29 years, we have the planet of the realist and the planet of the dreamer sitting next to each other. So this is very hopeful because Neptune says, can we dream a new dream? Can we summon a new ideal? Can we not feel so separate? Neptune does not want separation. And Saturn says, let's get to work on that. Saturn says, let's make it a reality. So that conjunction to me is very hopeful, and we get a big taste of it next year.
And then the others are there. Is there anything significant or is it more the confluence of all this?
Oh yeah, no, it's all very significant. So here's another hopeful thing. We need hopeful things right now, right, Elise?
So here's another hopeful thing. Jupiter, the planet of, yes, the planet of beneficence, the planet of growth, the planet of protection moves into the sign of cancer, which is the sign that United States was born under. We were born during cancer. So this to me feels like a kind of guardian angel, which I think of Jupiter as like a guardian angel coming in and saying, we have to hold this with extra care and protection. It's a volatile situation. We're in the balance. And it also, it's fiercely protective. It's a nourishing energy and it's an inclusive energy. So there's a huge blessing, I would say particularly for the United States for next year with Jupiter and cancer protection. And then the last one that is the major shift is Uranus into Gemini. Now, Uranus has been in Taurus for eight years. It's worked a lot. Taurus is all about our values.
Taurus is about how we use money, many things. It's an earth sign. Uranus does not like to be in Taurus because it's an electrifying planet in a very set sign, but it's about to move into Gemini, which is all about technology and communication, all about experimenting with exchange of ideas. It's quick, it's fast, it's dynamic, and it also can be volatile with that duality because guess what? Uranus was in Gemini during the Civil War as well. So you can go back. I have a beautiful friend named Caitlin Mulder who's like an astrological historian, and she gives classes going back and looking at when were the planets there last. And you learn a lot from that, then you can choose to use them in different ways.
So cool. It's so easy to disparage astrology and or to think of it as this occult art. And then when you go back to its history, and often people are like, why is Jesus associated with a fish? Didn't he usher in the era of Pisces?
Yeah, the age of Pisces. Which we've been in for 2000 plus years, and now we're moving into the age of Aquarius. Yeah, I mean, look, astrology is everywhere for thousands of years. It's in the Bible. It grew up over all the cultures, all around the planet. And the best way to, I think, to come to love and understand it is to look back and is to study the people in your lives and is to study people on our world stage and watch how it plays out.
So when we talk about Jupiter going into Aquarius, is that what signals the age of Aquarius, or is that a separate, because you hear about the age of Aquarius and there's like a 200 year span in terms of when this is theoretically happening. Are they the same
Thing? It's a separate thing. So the ages are 2000 to 2,500 years, and there's no set moment that we're in the age of Aquarius, but we're definitely entering Aquarius. And then there are different planets that are in Aquarius, like Pluto just entered Aquarius and will be there for 20 years. So it's a kind of preparing us, look, Aquarius is meant to be an age of brotherhood and sisterhood, and where we all look at one another and we say, we're souls. It doesn't matter anything else, all the trappings, all the how we appear on a journey. And that's ultimately what the Aquarius age is about and how can we share our gifts with one another and how can we uplift one another? But it's going to take a lot of cleaning out before we're there.
Yeah. Well, and thinking about this end of an era, Pluto moving into Aquarius moment and the election happening at the very, very end of Pluto and Capricorn within what, a week a month?
I mean very close. It was very yes, yes,
Yes. But also just thinking of what's likely ahead for us and thinking about Project 2025 and the way that project 2020 five's hands are all over this election and plans when we talk about the end of patriarchy and our hopes for something different, the end of this aggressive neoliberalism, which has created the more income inequity then we've seen since I think the Gilded Age. I'm hopefully believing that this will be painful, but I think that this election was primarily about class and that we're about to see the engineering to limit government, take it out at its knees, reduce regulations. You can see it already is being planted, or people like Elon Musk trying to bring this forward that it will remodel government, and that then you will see a massive movement from the people to remodel it again. And that after some of these periods of income inequality, we've seen just like legions of new legislature to protect consumers. I was trying to remember, I think it's after the Gilded age, there was two decades where we created the FDA, we created it's like 18 big social movements to enfranchise and protect people. And so I think the person who's going to end patriarchy perversely is Trump by taking it to its inexorable horrible conclusion where we all say, oh yeah, this is terrible for all of us. I don't know.
No, no, a hundred percent. And to me, what you've just described, even though messy and we have to live through a lot, is deeply hopeful because in a way, like you said, maybe this crash and burn is required. Pluto is about death and rebirth. There is something dying. And my friend Caitlin also talks about Pluto and Aquarius, and I loved this. We were talking last year, she's like, well, you know what I'm thinking about it as the era of plot twists. And I was like, yes. And that's hopeful to me too because Pluto and Aquarius is, it's all experimental. We don't know what's coming out of left field. This is not a straight path, and we don't even know what's happening even before the inauguration. There is plenty afoot that could change things radically and rapidly. And I think that's also part of Uranus and Gemini. Things are going to be moving at lightning speed, and maybe it's not hundreds of years that we are languishing in the death of patri or whatever. Things could happen so rapidly. And that is actually deeply hopeful to me.
Yeah, I'm just finding my comfort in that. But again, these things are not always what we would choose, but sometimes we don't get the easy out.
We definitely did not get the easy out on this one. And you and I were talking about this before. There's such tenderness, there's such a shock to the nervous system. There's such a resetting that's required. But I think once we're in our flow again, we're going to be ready. Here's the thing, Saturn entering Aries, this is very interesting. And again, the date that Saturn enters Aries is May 24th. And one thing about Saturn entering Aries is it says, let's begin with wisdom and clarity, because Aries is all about beginning and Saturn is about maturity. And I sometimes think about it as the wise woman with her hand on the young activist woman's back or the old warrior with his hand on the young warrior's back and just saying, we have a huge task in front of us, but let's not be impetuous. Let's not be impatient. Let's not ram something through, let's take these two and a half years when Saturn is in Aries and let's establish something that we believe in and that we want to act upon. So it's a kind of slowing down. And some of us might feel a little initially reigned in by it. Why can't I act? Why can't I act? But we want to start with a deeper clarity and wisdom, and we don't want it to be haphazard. So this Saturn moving into Aries, I think will help in this regard.
It feels like a lot of people, a people have been in some ways preparing for this spiritually, and that there's an opening or an acceptance or an embrace of maybe finally people moving out of a hyper materialistic, hyper-rational framework to say, okay, it feels like something else is afoot. And that there is not necessarily some grand plan of evolution, but that we need a higher perspective and we need to get out of the valleys and up on the mountains. And it's time for a different type of warrior. It's time for spiritual warriors. It's time for perspective taking. It's time for holding an expanded view, one that can include everyone, and to get out of the hand to hand combat in the comment section of Instagram and to start getting above, not above as in I'm above you, but above in terms of how are we going to solve these problems that affect everyone, and how do I make the world more comfortable for everyone and not just for people who believe what I do?
Yeah, and I think you're speaking to Neptune in Aries, which by the way will stay there for 13 to 14 years. And so I do think we will have some new leaders present that we don't even perhaps know fully now that will have either a spiritual bent that somehow rises above and connects or even artistic. Neptune is connected to artistry and music and poetry. So even the healing possibility of artistry as activism. I really think this is going to come in even more strongly with Neptune and Aries. And I just think Neptune ultimately at the highest level, and this is where we want to work with these planets, is a planet of compassion. Deep, deep compassion. And so an Aries says, let's come forth with compassion. I mean, we might get to a state where it's like, oh my God, that's all that's left to do at this point. So we have 14 years of this very deeply loving planet working through the sign of the warrior. So we want to war or we want to assert or we want to come forth on behalf of, let's just say it, of a greater love
I know people can dismiss this because we're looking at this in hindsight, but when you look at this past four years, when you look at 2020 and you look at this moment, astrologically, what were you saying about this decade or this moment in time? Was it going to be this charged?
Well, it's so funny. My father was an astrologer and he was such a pessimist in the hilarious ways. So he, for the last decade was just predicting this, for sure. Was just saying, it's going to get worse and worse and worse and the polarity and the duality, and there's going to be a lot of crumbling before this Aquarian new age can get underway. So he was all about that. And I was always like, no, but really, but how about this? The eternal optimist. But certainly since the pandemic when we had the Saturn Pluto conversation and with Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn, that's hard work. And Saturn was also an Aquarius, which can feel like we're isolated. So things are crumbling, we feel isolated. But honestly, this new year, even though we're looking at it and going, oh my God, at the inauguration, Pluto is conjunct the sun. I mean, that is epic. That
What does that mean?
How are we going to wield power? How are we going to heal? How is the collective going to heal? How can we use power for the good? It's all about power. It's all about death and rebirth. We already can feel it. Everything is accelerating, Elise. That's it. Everything's accelerating. We're moving into far more fire and air in these outer planets. So it's moving. Ideas are moving, new ideas are coming in. We have to have different conversations. So I'm feeling strangely hopeful about these astrological shifts that pretty much between March, I would say March and August is really potent. And by the way, if you look at Trump's chart, Saturn, I
Was going to ask.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, Saturn, first of all, he has not had Jupiter exactly on his sun yet. And again, there's something about instability with Jupiter will magnify the instability. So that's coming along soon by the springtime, but also Saturn starts to square his sun and moon, which is blockage. And the moon can have to do with health, and the sun can have to do with your will out in the world. So something is getting in his way even by March of next year. So the era of plot twists,
I know I've heard predictions of many, many plot twists from different people who are saying, I don't know how he actually survives this, but we'll see what happens.
We'll see. And even if he doesn't, we are still faced with a lot of what we're faced with, and we're still faced with the nation divided, and we have to be the weavers. We have to find ways to build bridges of intelligent love and loving intelligence. This is our
Mandate and to hold onto our hope, because as you were saying, talking about astrological history or when we look back at history, which of course many of us didn't live these events the first time, but you look at where we are and you can hear people lamenting a lack of progress. Yes, I understand. And Roe v Wade, there have been some historically epically horrible losses, and we don't backslide forever.
I'm still incredibly grateful to be alive at this moment in time, even though we have chosen a very interesting and complex time to be here. We will be better for this.
We will. And if our country isn't strong enough to survive this, which I certainly think it is, then we will remake ourselves out of stronger material.
Yes, yes, yes. It is beautiful to study history for that very reason. Another thing we had going on this year, 2024, was we had Chiron conjunct the north node. And all I want to tell you is that as you go back throughout history, every time Chiron was conjunct the north node in Aries, there were these surges for women. There were surges forward. There was like the wound being healed. And certainly even with Kamala losing, my God, what a beautiful surge forward and the possibility got one step closer. We are in the process of our own evolution. We are here to evolve in consciousness. We're doing it. It just doesn't look so pretty right now.
Yeah, maybe this is a wild or unpopular thing to say, and I don't know what Kamala's chart is, but when you think about this moment and what's coming and the hardness of the next four years, there's some relief for me in that she is not holding the bag. And yes, I cannot wait until we have a female president whose values align with my values. I will say, and I'm also, I don't want her holding the bag for what I think what might be an impossibly difficult situation. I nurse myself with that, and it's not that reassuring, but yeah.
Yeah. No, I think that makes sense. I'm also interested for her in the springtime when Jupiter lines up with her rising sign because it didn't quite get there during the election. But Jupiter on the ascendant is a soul growth, and it only happens once every 12 years, and it's kind of an upleveling, and we outgrow an old self and we grow into something new. So we don't know what that's going to look like for her. But she certainly stepped up and just gave everything for those months to give us hope, to give us a picture of what's possible, to get us one step closer to that.
Do you have any other wild predictions for 2025 and beyond?
One thing that I didn't mention about coming up 2025 is that also the nodes are changing position. So right now we'd have the north node in Aries, and we have the south node in Libra, and they're going to move into the axis of healing, which is the north node in Pisces and the south node in Virgo. And this is also encouraging to me because it's emphasizing our need for more Pisces. And Pisces once again is the energy that connects us. It's permeable, it's the ocean, the ocean of humanity, and it's helping us dream a new dream. And Virgo says, I can practically help you put that into place. So again, it could herald also new leaders, just like we were saying with Neptune and Aries. So that shift is also important for this year.
Well, I'm sad star, but I'm Pisces Moon and Virgo rising.
It's going to be very important for you. And I mean, I think that you have such a beautiful chart with that Sag sun and Pisces moon because the ability to actually dream a new dream or the ability to see something beyond what we're currently seeing, but then your Virgo rising is like, but we've make it practical. We've got to make it tangible. We've got to get out my little toolkit and bring these into these dreams into reality. So you're the dreamer, but you have such intelligent practicality.
I have a lot of practicality. No, but that's what I feel like if people, you can go to and do your chart and you'll see your sun and your moon and your rising. And I think for most people, they're used to just understanding themselves as their sun sign, which is one dimension of your astrological profile. And I know it goes on and on and on, and it's deeply scientific, but when I learned about Boone and Rising, I was like, oh, now I understand this completely coheres with how I experience myself and why I have a s husband. And we could not be more different. And we have very different, we have one in common and two that are very distinct. So everyone needs to look that up.
You have to look up, definitely know your rising sign because that is such an indication of the gift that you can give. And I remember when the pandemic first started, I remember writing a moon note for that particular morning. I write a note every morning on Instagram for the last bunch of years, but I wrote a moon note addressing, saying, okay, if you have this rising sign, do this. If you have this rising sign, do this. Because in other words, give the gift of your rising sign. This is your invitation. So it's so important to know your rising sign. There are lots of ways you can obviously find that out free online. But we also, we do a little sun, moon and rising snapshot. I have a little team of astrologers and we do a little audio, sun, moon, and rising snapshot that you can sort of learn a little bit about all three positions, which is cool.
Where do people find that?
Oh, it's just website hydro com on your website? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And actually come to think of it next year, I mean this 2025, if you specifically want to know how these planetary shifts are impacting your chart, we also do a transit snapshot, which is like, okay, Neptune's in your fifth house, it's you're going to be dreaming a new creative dream, or Pluto is in your 12th house. So we do another little audio about 20 minutes. So that's a very concrete way to learn how to use these shifts that are coming up next year.
And I love the idea of everyone, well, I guess 20, 25 and beyond, but use your rising as your gift to the world
Get really practical.
Well, but you know what else? This Elise Virgo is such a sign of devotion. It's such a sign of selfless service, not in a sacrificial way, but I have tools. I will find the place that really will benefit the most from them. There's such a beauty to Virgo that it creates sacred space wherever it goes. And it says, let's talk about meaningful things. So it's not just I'm organizing my kitchen and I'm really great at it. Do you know? I know. I was going to
Say, I feel like it's wrap is that it's just a compulsive perfectionist.
Not to put you on the spot in the way that you interpret astrology. Are there other signs that you think are maybe not understood? Well,
Honestly, the astrology I practice is soul-centered astrology, and there's a whole different set of rulers that comes with that. Just to give you an example. For example, Aries, most people think of Aries as impatient and forceful and wants to pick a fight. But in fact, at a soul-centered level, Aries is the power of the new idea. It's all about the mental plane. It's all about I am going to change humanity or change my little neighborhood through the power of the new idea. Likewise, let's just say Gemini, we've been talking a lot about Gemini. It gets a bad rap for being like, I talk all the time, I'm scattered, blah, blah, blah. But in fact, at a soul-centered level, Gemini is about fusing the head and the heart. It's about love, wisdom, it's about building a bridge between the head and the heart, and it's about really sharing your message from a lovingly wise place. So we get all this, oh, Geminis are this, and Sagittarius are that, and all of that. But every sign has this incredible esoteric phrase that goes with it that's like, this is what's possible with this sign.
Wait, now I kind of need you to do them all. But what about Scorpios, right? Aren't Scorpios just sexy time?
They are definitely sexy, and they are definitely intense. They're very, very tenacious. But at the highest level, Scorpio is the warrioress. It rises up from any death, any struggle, and it is victorious. You know how the story of Hercules fighting the hydra and tries to cut off all the heads and they grow back? Ultimately what Scorpio does is fall to its knees and lift this hydra into the light of day. So it's like Scorpio is triumphant, it's the triumphant warrior, and it's beautiful in terms of healing oneself. It's beautiful in terms of addressing trauma and emerging whole. Yeah, beautiful.
Sagittarius gets a bad rap for being too blunt or shooting its arrows in too many different directions. But at the highest level, Sagittarius is so beautifully one pointed, not narrow-minded, but one pointed, and it follows the vision to the greatest light. But also, I like to say that sags are planetary citizens because they want to keep opening their to see and hold more and more and to feel humanity as a whole.
Wait, I can't let you go quite yet. Capricorn.
Capricorn, in traditional astrology, Capricorn is rigid. It doesn't share its feeling life. It's overly controlling, very responsible, but at the highest level, Capricorn says, I am the author of my life and I am willing to be responsible to more than myself. And it has a vision of the mountaintop because Capricorn is that goat. It climbs the mountain, it has a vision of the mountaintop, and it says, I need to share this. So it goes down into the valley and it goes into Aquarius, and it shares it, but it's done. It's all, its hard work to breathe in its own authority and lead with love.
I guess Aquarius, we talked a little bit about Aquarius, but not like this.
Yeah, Aquarius is a sign that can be the lone wolf, right? It can be the one that's like, well, I'm different than everybody else, or I don't have any feelings. I'm being overly black and white here. But from a traditional perspective, it can sometimes be the odd one out. But what Aquarius wants more than anything is it's true allies, and it's the water bearer. So there's this phrase for Aquarius that says, water of life, mi poured forth for those who thirst. So Aquarius wants to share the water and it wants to be connected, and it wants to work in a group. It's so funny because it's known as a lone wolf, but it thrives in community.
I love that Pisces.
Pisces gets a bad rap for being overly sensitive or for isolating, or sometimes we struggle with addiction. But Pisces is one of these incredibly remarkable signs. Mother Teresa Pisces, right? A Pisces Virgo Axis. What Pisces is here to do is be the Bodhi Sattva to stand in love and make sure all that need to be helped or helped and is an embodiment of love in action. And also the beauty of being an artist slash dreamer because we have to have the artist slash dreamers to dream a new dream into existence. Yeah, it's beautiful.
You did Aries.
Taurus. We need to do Taurus. Taurus. Bad rap is I'm stuck. I'm stubborn. I love to be comfortable at all costs. You can't move me. But at the higher level, Taurus rules the Ajna Center, and it's the sign of the Buddha. And a Taurus will sit for enlightenment at its greatest level. Taurus is all about the intuition, and it's all about seeing the light even in the ugliness, and it's about growing your garden, and it's about beauty and how the realization of beauty will save the world. That's gorgeous. All right. Cancer, cancer at its trickiest, protects itself, hides in the shadows In traditional astrology, it's also like I will just protect my own little brood and everyone else go away. It can be very defensive. A lot of great sports figures that are the defenders. They have strong cancer energy, right? Or actually also, a lot of people in the military have strong cancer energy because they protect and they defend. But at the highest level, cancer says, I build a lighted house. And they're in dwell. And cancer is all about welcoming people into their lighted house. And they have to dare to expand and welcome and let their body be their lighted house, let their family be their lighted house. And guess what? Family has to be the family of humanity. And that's what the cancer at its best is like. We are a family.
Beautiful Leo,
Leo. We have the picture of either the one that is all consumed with self and the narcissist. And look at me, look at me. My daughter, Kate, when she was a baby, she used to say, instead of, I love you, she used to say, I you. I, she'd forget. She wouldn't say, and that's the best of Leo is that I am you. You are me. We are, I am. And so Leo is the benevolent leader who leads on behalf of the we not leads because it wants attention. And the spotlight, it leads on behalf of the we.
That's beautiful.
Libra can be the people pleaser. Traditionally, it wants peace at all. Costs will over accommodate. But from an esoteric perspective, Libra will for right relationship, it will stand for how we treat each other. It is a cardinal sign, which is an initiating sign. So it initiates on behalf of diplomacy, and it also is all about making the next right choice that is moving towards growing our consciousness.
Beautiful. I think
We did them all. Yeah, I think we did. I think we did.
Well, thank you. And I love your notes. Thank you for doing them every morning on Instagram. And I love having hopeful conversations with you about difficult times.
Yes. And I think that's what I would say we just had. And I hope people can feel, I really do believe that this is a critical moment, but we are going to emerge so much stronger and so much more connected and so much more seeing ourselves in one another.
You should definitely check out Heidi's moon notes. They're a really wonderful way to start the day and hopeful and reassuring. And I was thinking about my conversation with Father Gregory Boyle, which you may have just listened to, and if not, go back and listen to it because he talks a lot about this duality. And if there's anyone who understands what it is to build something in the space of hate, really, I dunno that he would call it hate, but you could call it intense polarity when you're talking about gang warfare. It's Father Gregory Boyle, and he writes about the beginning of Homeboy Industries and moving forward without knowing what will happen. And he has this mention in the book, he writes, “like Isaiah underscores, while from behind, a voice shall sound in your ears. This is the way Walk in it.”
Then he writes, “it was definitely a voice from behind, not some clarity in front of us.” And I think that that's an exact articulation of this moment that we have, which is keep walking, keep moving forward. There's no clarity, there's no certainty. And the only way through this particular juncture is to keep moving through it and to keep standing for ourselves and standing for each other. And then there was another moment again in Father Gregory Boyle's book that I think is relevant to this conversation today and thinking about the year to come. It is a Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan, and he writes, “God breaks the heart again and again and again until it stays open.” And perhaps that's a good articulation of this year, this past decade, these past centuries, is that our hearts are being broken again and again and again so that they can eventually stay open.