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Let's Stop Making Each Other Wrong

How can we transcend and include?

See CC above for transcript.


I’ve been quiet on Instagram lately because I’m wiped—from travel, but also from the level of online discourse. Like many of you, I’m sad. Sad that we are so intent on making each other wrong and bad. Please listen to this conversation with Africa Brooke—and the episode I have coming next month with Ken Wilber, which is an explainer on stages of psychological growth and how those Venn diagram with culture and spirituality. More of us need to wake up to how we’re not living our values: If we truly stand for diversity, equity, and inclusion, where is our tolerance for people who see the world differently? Where is our willingness to hold a big enough container for diversity of thought and belief? There is a difference between allowance and agreement, but in our disallowing and canceling, we are destroying our own values and regressing to the same ethnographic thinking we profess to reject. I work hard to catch this in myself, I urge you to do the same. (As Ken Wilber explains, about 7-8% of us are at the Integral stage of psychological development—in Spiral Dynamics this translates to yellow, or turquoise/teal. If we can get to 10% this type of pragmatic and practical thinking becomes the leading edge of culture and sanity might prevail.)