I'm here because I value your areas of curiosity and seek to learn through you and from you and your guests. That said, I'd be very interested in applying the theories, frameworks, principles, etc. to myself. Short-form generative, practical, or applied workshops would be super interesting to me, and I'd pay for them a la carte on top of my Substack subscription. Think mini 2- to 4-hour workshops vs. a weekend or week-long workshop many of your guests provide. Thanks for asking!

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Love and second this!

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I appreciate what you offer. Your newsletter and podcast have changed me and with affirmation, inspiration and insights. I share your content frequently and use them as conversation with family and friends. And yes you should be compensated in a variety of currencies — monetary and in kind and otherwise.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

The media market is flooded with subscriptions. As a consumer I find it unsustainable to support, enjoy and pay for them all. So, I pick and choose one to two a month and just for a month or two. Your podcast and work in the world is very special and important so to answer your question...I think that having "membership only" online group conversations with you on a particular subject where "members" are your interviewed guests would add valued connection. And I really don't think anyone else is doing that. At least, at your level Elise. Much appreciation for you and your voice in the world. Your intelligence and insight is mind-blowing to me. xx

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I definitely don’t have a community to discuss the things you share in this space, which I would love. What’s interesting is that the content I’m willing to pay for comes with that kind of community - a group of engaged people who share ideas and thoughts in this digital space. I’m not sure how people successfully create those spaces, but I have found it on Substack (XO, MU and 2% are two great examples).

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As you know, I have been a ride or die Elise fan for some time now. I would love more office hours, and workshops. I think I've joined all of them so far and have loved each one for different reasons. Being able to connect with and hear from others who are part of an "Elise/Pulling the Thread" community sounds like a dream. I'm in :)

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Another Substack that I subscribe to includes an invite to a private chat group in Geneva ; which is available to all subscribers. There are about 500 subscribers and within the group there are categories that were set up by the creator. I thought nothing of this little perk when subscribing; I’m notoriously a non-engager when it comes to things like social media. But this little group has become such a highlight of my day. I’ve also since left instagram entirely so as not to add another thing to check to my list. The gist of the content is fashion related but it’s so much more than that. Very incredible conversations happening and lots of personal sharing. It’s been really enlightening. There have even been real life meet-ups, and lots of connections and even career contacts being made. I can share more details if your’e at all curious.

Have you ever considered a book club type zoom situation? I would personally love to hear more about what you’re reading (I know it’s a lot!) in real time and have further discussion about it. Especially if it followed up a PTT podcast with the author

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Ah Elise, every week when I receive your newsletter in my inbox, I delight in planning a few moments I’ll have to give it my full attention. Today, it’s during my break as the volunteer elementary school librarian. Your thoughts on clubs and communities resonated so deeply with me as I have never been a joiner, I had to chuckle about the Costco sweatshirt And the clubs that interest us as we age.

I stand on the edge of a few newsletters that I read regularly but never take the paid subscription leap. I think what keeps me from doing it is the fear that I’ll have all these small financial commitments and not enough time to make use of them. I have similar questions for my own newsletter. What content should be behind the paywall? I like your idea that paid subscribers help you prioritize the writing.

Certainly yours is a community that I truly enjoy being a part of. I so appreciate your candor and your work.

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I really appreciate your writing for the questions you ask and the threads that you pull on. It would be fun just to be able to come into conversation so that we could pull those threads in community. I’m a yoga philosophy nerd, a deep thinker, and a mom and I can tell you that I’ve yet to find a mom friend that wants to go into the weeds with me on this deep stuff. Conversations about mini Boden just don’t do it for me.

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I audibly gasped when I saw the sweatshirt (saw the photo before reading the piece). One of my friends was wearing it and I was so enamored with it that he gave it to me. I’ve never been to Costco but I’m a sucker for merch / swag of all kinds and cherish this sweatshirt. Anyway, I love your writing and so grateful every time I see a post from you!

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Hi Elise. I so appreciate you asking the question. I've loved your weekend workshops on Zoom (I think I've been to all of them) and more like those would be great. Ditto Office Hours -- having the opportunity to engage with you and other like-minded folks would be amazing. And a big yes to Q&A's with healers and thinkers. I'm not a Slack user so defer to others who are. Looking forward to seeing what you land on. Katherine

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I would love to participate in Zoom calls where we could share and learn more about each other or more in person events, Denver plz!

I personally find it challenging to participate in online groups unless there is a big draw for me. I prefer face to face or online call connections. Doing group work together, sharing stories together, learning together, etc.

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I would love a mix of book-club style discussions (but instead of reading a whole book, we could use your post/podcast to springboard a conversation). I’d also love some mini-group coaching sessions, where women could bring questions and you could share insights from your perspective. I was not able to join in NC, but perhaps bringing some of that content to your subscribers in a virtual forum. I’m a big fan of your work and can’t wait to see what you do next. Thank you for sharing this important work.

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Ps I am also always on the edge of deciding which Jonathan Haidt book to read. Im looking forward to hearing more about this one.

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Can't afford the monthly/annual commitment. But would love to join weekend workshops and pay a la carte!

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I love Emma Dunwoody! Very excited for this!

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Love The Sweatshirt!!!

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