I loved this! It is a huge opportunity for self reflection. I try really hard to witness without judgment the posts and opinions of people I don't align with politically so that I can practice taming that natural inclination to shut them down. It is not always easy but I agree that more connects us than divides us and if we just stopped judging each other, we would open up the opportunity for dialogue.

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"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better." This is GOLD. Loved this post and also feeling hopeful. x

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This is so well written tho I don't agree with a lot of what you say. It is, currently, a battle of souls that exists. Literally light versus dark. Our politics is very much rigged. Be discerning in your thoughts. Best wishes

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I’d like to apply for Elise University. Also, getting the Rohr quote tattooed on my brain.

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So well said! In a time where it feels like the mindset of many is, you’re either with me or against me, maybe the middle is not out of reach.

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Wonderful thoughts here to explore. This quote from Richard Rohr that you shared is golden: "The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better." I'm going to stick it on my computer too!

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Wow, so well said and thought out Elise! IMPRESSIVE, you knocked it out of the park! You could be a speech writer, I just read your entire post out loud to my husband and felt like I was giving an address, powerful. I imagine Montana is similar to my state of Arizona and so much of this analysis and experience rings true here.

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always bringing the best of conversations ELISE

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Elise, if possible, would you share at some point what makes you suggest that Trump could possibly be off the ticket this fall? I have not heard people talking about this since the Supreme Court has made all its decisions the past several months. I can't imagine, and yet what a year (what a decade!) we has already seen.

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This was a fantastic read - summarizing many of my internal conflicts with my deep liberal roots and community. There is far too deep division when really our actions are similar. Similar value systems stretched and morphed by mainstream media. Is the only way to have “hope” to fall behind a political figure because they are in the right “camp”? I don’t know how that gets us to a place of less division.

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Yes to all of this.

There is room for hope. It is not lost, despite what is constantly churned and thrown at us.

Thank you, Elise. This was such a great read.

And Father Richard Rhor is a gift to humanity. One everyone would unwrap.

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Great post, indeed an opportunity to self-reflect!

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