so perfect for today <3

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I think archetypes in general would be interesting! I've recently been reading Women Who Run With Wolves and have found the women archetypes in this book fascinating.

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I’m finishing Hagitude right now! It’s giving me life. I also find this so powerful: “Medial women are seekers and keepers of esoteric knowledge and wisdom, and they value gnosis—direct, personal mystical experience—over that which is passed down in the form of dogma and doctrine by existing religious hierarchies.” I mean, hell to the effing yes 🙌🏽

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I loved this piece. I am just starting to study astrology, but immediately, I can see the three variations of the feminine water archetype as the Cancer (mother), Scorpio (Sexual), and Pisces (roles previously taken by men). I think the Pisces archetype is most interesting. For example, in society, we have a very strong bias of those who transpose the illusion of limitation into strength of spirit and how that leans more often in the direction of men, historically speaking. (Understanding that male and/or female, is still the most comfortable binary most of us gravitate to; so, society bends in that direction, too. ) When you think Pisces, think Jesus. (The world of astrology actually aligns Jesus to the symbol of Pisces, surmising it was the Roman church who changed his birth time to December. ) Ironically, if you look up religious leaders with a Pisces astrology sun placement, the list is interesting, but mostly men. And, I can see how that modus operandi is being called to herald in the feminine. And Woah, will this be a huge transition, indeed.

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I love this piece of writing, thank you for sharing

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Brilliant really. And I love Richard Rohr. Can’t wait for that. But this was a perfectly planted seed for me today. Thank you for such thoughtful research.

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Would be extremely interested in a workshop on archetypes in general. Loved this post.

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Gorgeous timing. Yes to more workshops from you and your collaborations with leaders. This quote from the Gospel of Thomas had me in the depths. Thank you.

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I loooove playing with archetypes! It helps me step into the different roles of my business and life – mom, writer, teacher, etc. A workshop on any and all of this would be so fun.

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I love THIS: “But you’re not an activist,” she reminded me. “You’re a writer. Your job is to synthesize information and help people better understand themselves and the world—it’s not your job to tell people how to feel or what actions to take.” This was relieving.

Thank you!

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So helpful. Thank you!

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You might like Jean Shinoda Bolen, Goddesses in Every Woman. She uses Greek mythology to talk about personality types. (I wasn't that crazy about the sequel book about men...)

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Thank you 🙏💜 I would love to hear more on the Archetypes

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I also said 'Whoa!' aloud after reading the Trickster paragraphs.

And yes, I would be very interested in more re: archetypes! Fascinating stuff.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful work, Elise!

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I’d appreciate a workshop on identifying archetypes. I find the subject interesting and also a bit overwhelming. I have also read Caroline Myss’ books on the topic.

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"Woah. Trickster is afoot." Truer words were never spoken. This resonates so much in terms of late stage capitalism at its absolute, very worst, the trickster holding the mirror for us to see what we as a nation have become. Yes, please, to archetype workshop!

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