Carl Jung has said :

“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.” Here’s to our blossoming.

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This quote opens my book about midlife! YES!

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Wow what a prolific writer you are, be proud and yes one of the best decisions I ever made was saying no to things or people that no longer brought me joy, allowing more time for me to say yes and do the things I wanted to, go girl, you’ve got this xx

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I love this and feel similarly -- Last year, I published a book about midlife as an emergence titled, well, Midlife Emergence. You might enjoy it...? https://a.co/h5UDU4Y

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This. I don't have many friends that resonate with my feelings of mid-life feeling like a "zenith era", so this hit just right. Thanks for sharing!

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Good for you! I thought my forties was the best decade of my life. I knew my strengths and my weaknesses, and I learned to say no. I finally felt like a good-enough mother and I decided to stay married (and do the work). I pivoted the direction of my career and that was a great decision, realized within just a few years. All the hard work pays off in your forties - when you really begin to know yourself and what you are capable of. ❤️

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I struggled to articulate my feelings until I read your post today. As modern women, we often impose so many "shoulds" and "oughts" on ourselves that it's no wonder our energy begins to wane. It can feel like we're on a downward trajectory, and that’s the natural way. However, reflecting on my own situation, moving into my 40s - I realise that I'm embarking on a new career path that aligns more closely with my soul's work. I'm learning to say no to what doesn't serve me and yes to what truly resonates with me. And the energy has fired up again, the flame isn’t out, it’s burning brighter than in my 20s.

Thank you for the reminder to yourself and to your readers ❤️

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So much cohesive IP, inspired by you always bud ⚡️✌️⚡️

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Mmmm, I always love and appreciate your wise words Elise. Beautiful essay.

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“I’m not so interested in the container or protecting my identity or abiding by the rules.” 100x this!!

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I turn forty next year in march! I love this! 🙏🏼

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It’s the *Nocebo Effect*! I don’t find it surprising that you might have believed the cultural myth of midlife decline. I love that you overrode the *regularly scheduled programming*, Elise! Of course, knowing you through your work, I am also not surprised about this. And that other commenters have already written books on the upsides of midlife and beyond is inspiring! The nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo effect and it is insidious when it comes to women in our culture. It’s normally used to describe a medicine or treatment but, we can apply it to our culture’s perception of midlife (particularly the midlife and menopausal woman). The anti-aging messaging in wellness /beauty etc is focused on how the physical challenges are HORRIFIC and how to put a lid on them versus looking under the hood and understanding what’s happening on all the levels (including the mental and emotional) as we age and go through the whole operating system upgrade of the menopause transition. I would enjoy hearing more conversations that are pro-aging, and share how it can also be a brilliant time of expansion and empowerment!

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This sentence - I just needed someone to call B.S. and remind me of reality - sums it up. Perspective. It always gets me how in our own way we place ourselves in the name of self-preservation, fear, or some subconscious untruth. Great piece

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This is spectacular. Thanks (again!) for helping us all illuminate and rewrite our own unconscious narratives.

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I'm 59 and had the same ideas about my 20's, 30's, 40's, etc. I ultimately did run out of energy a couple of years ago. Like literally. Ran on fumes for too many years and didn't listen to my body or mind. I know now my 60's will be very different from my previous decades, and I'm very OK with that. I enjoyed this post. Listening to your podcast now! Take care of yourself. xo

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