Elise -- I want to thank you for this post. Ironically (never), it's a different take on a piece I just posted today on spiritual abundance and following the signs of my own destiny. This line made me think about your piece:

It’s not enough to follow the signs of fate or blindly follow what others are doing without inner discernment from my soul; this can be akin to chasing a butterfly off a cliff. (I’ve jumped off many a cliff, by the way, mostly by chasing other people’s butterflies.)

Thank you for your work and wisdom.

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This post is itself synchronicity for me because a few days ago I texted a college friend who I hadn’t texted in at least a year for an update on her life, kids, etc. An hour later she texted back a picture of her that same morning smiling with my college son on his VT campus. She’s never met him, has only seen IG posts and Christmas card pics. She stopped him coming out of a dining hall and asked “are you Jen Parker’s son?” The timing did not feel random.

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And for it’s worth (something to me, maybe not anyone) my own riff on “where it may seem magical and synchronistic but is not”...it may not and then again it may be - shadow magic.

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I love this! And I love how you explore the importance of discernment as I do think there are times when we want something so badly we can make almost any argument for it even if it isn't meant to be! What am I to learn here? Such a beautiful question that I use quite often! Thank you!

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I loved this so much….I feel both like the person who is constantly on the verge of falling through the trapdoor AND getting nudged along through my own awkward Pupa phase by an endless broadway show of crazy signs and synchronicities. I think I have to write about it now, too….thank you Elise. You are a gift:)

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Oh sweet synchronicity of synchronicity! I started my day reading this over coffee. By the end of the day a big life decision I had made weeks ago (to leave a cozy exec corporate gig for an unknown path) was called into analysis when literally an elevated job seemed to fall in front of me. Fate testing fate? How do we tell when the universe is presenting a solution or testing our will??

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Had to laugh. I don't know where it came from, but earlier this week I wondered aloud to myself and to my therpaist whether it was too late to become a Jungian therapist. She encouraged me to look into classes or readings. I rode the synchronous wave all the way to signing up for the workshop :)

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A beautiful description of synchronicity and how being in the flow still requires discernment! Agency and personal decision making are not mutually exclusive from surrendering to deep time, the archetypal, and that which will always be bigger than us. Thank you.

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