Hi friends.
I’m still evacuated, with my three cats (August, our tripod, has really risen to the adventure and is living his best life), waiting out the winds and holding my breath. My oldest just tested positive for the flu and so we’re waiting for that domino effect, too, as the four of us are all in one room. We returned to our house last Friday, did some laundry, and then we had to GO for real as the winds shifted and Mandeville—a neighboring canyon—began to burn. We stayed up all night watching on TV as helicopters dropped water from the nearby Encino reservoir on the flames repetitively…despite the lack of wind, resources on the ground, and Herculean effort, it seemed improbable that they would be able to keep it at bay. This fire is a dragon. But by mid-day Saturday, they had it under control and we let out a mini-exhale.
These firefighters and first responders must be so exhausted. The city is wiped. Some things seem to have gone back to “normal.” So many of us are wondering what’s to come. For now, we are the lucky ones.

I’ll record a solo episode about this experience when I’m back home (fingers crossed)—I’ve learned a lot, observed a lot, even laughed a lot. Most of the people who are evacuated with me have lost their homes or are in heavily burned areas and won’t be able to return for a very long time. It’s an interesting experience to be in the middle of a world event and to watch the commentary about it from people who are far away. I get it, though it creates a certain kind of dissonance.
This has all been very moving, in so many ways (including finding out that one of my childhood ski friends from Missoula drove all night with three other firefighters to help us). Meanwhile, tomorrow’s episode of Pulling the Thread, eerily and prophetically, is with Pico Iyer: His newest book Aflame is out this week, and it’s partly about wildfire. Pico lost his house and almost lost his life in 1990 in the hills of Santa Barbara in what was, at the time, the worst fire in California’s history. It is a beautiful conversation, recorded the day after Thanksgiving, about retreat, solitude, renewal—and fire.
I have more to say in time, but for now, I’m turning this newsletter over to Carissa Schumacher, frequent Pulling the Thread guest. Carissa is a forensic medium and channel who is also incredibly wise when she’s being her human self and not predicting the future. (She’s a neuroscience major from Brown.)
When it comes to predicting the future, she is understandably uncanny as well—those in her community can attest to the fact that she’s been preparing us for these times with incredible accuracy, while simultaneously pushing faith over fear. Fear—while entirely human and understandable—doesn’t help.
Carissa does private sessions, group sessions, and journeys (big fan)—all of which are a significant commitment of money and time. After the election, she jumped on a call with many of us and did a two-hour offering. It was so helpful to process together and to also hear her perspective: Why it happened, how to process it, what it means for the collective shifts we are to experience, and how best to harness and cultivate the energies of the Aquarian Age moving forward. While Carissa is human, and has her own political perspective and personal views, when she channels and/or speaks for spirit, it always transcends the binary and the polarization. (Sometimes it is not what I want to hear, particularly when I’m mad!) Anyway, after this call, a bunch of us pushed her to do this routinely—at least for the year of 2025—and she has agreed.
Carissa is calling these “Monthly Resynchs.” They are the last Friday of the month (so first one is January 31), they are open to all, and they are $55. These will be on anything and everything—whatever is present in the collective—including how we can best shift our polarized or one-dimensional perceptions to the bigger picture in order to thrive and stay on track, energetically balanced, and more. For anyone who is journey-, Carissa- or Yeshua-curious, this is a good way to see what it’s about.
Like many of you, I always want to know why. This is a question that we may never be able to answer, but Carissa always suggests trying to “understand,” i.e. stand under the foundation of an issue rather than assessing from our one, distinct point-of-view.
Carissa offered to take over this week’s newsletter and answer some questions. Before I turn it over to her, in this moment of uncertainty, I want to express my deep gratitude for this community. It is not lost on me how lucky I am that I get to process this world with you all. Moments like these remind me of what matters: I am sending my deep love and gratitude to you, to the firefighters and front-line workers on this disaster, and to everyone who is showing up for their family, friends, and communities. Here in Los Angeles, we can feel the world’s attention, love, and care—and without that, who are we? We are so thankful. If you are looking for vetted resources to donate to, here’s the state’s official, vetted landing page. Go here if you’re looking to volunteer. And here are the official resource pages for those who are affected. Los Angeles specificially, and also the state page.
Q: Tell us about these monthly Resynchs—and why now, after I’ve been begging you for five short years?
Well, there are two fundamental reasons that it was time to create these. One is because Spirit said it was time. And two because there is a clear growing need for us all to experience more sacred time in community. Up until now, I have only offered private sesssions, group sessions, and Journeys. But there really has not been an offering for just everyone. An offering that isn't just "Carissa the Medium or Channel."
As we enter this New Era, we all need a sacred space, if even from afar, to come together, to process, to hold each other, to receive clarity, understanding, and reminders of joy. No teachers and Gurus, just pure unbridled human/divine Love and sharing.
Then, a few days after the election, I was asked by
, who is currently doing a really special podcast series on The Freedom Transmissions, if I would be willing to drop everything to give an offering on the election, the Era Shift, what I see coming collectively, and how best to let go of fears, judgments, etc. to find deeper spaciousness and peace.It was the first time outside of Journeys and small group spaces that I was just sharing. I was very honest during the live event and feared that a lot of people would be upset by what I shared. However, the reaction was the opposite. Everyone, from both sides of the political aisles loved it. Hundreds of people heard about it after and asked if they could download it and listen.
After receiving the response, and even feeling my own need for more consistent times with community, whatever and whomever that may be, I decided that it was time for us all to connect on a more regular basis. At an exchange that is affordable to many people.
Our nervous systems have been taxed and stressed ad nauseam these past years. We need consistent times to integrate and rebalance so that we can leave behind the stresses of the last month and enter the knew month clear, wise, and supported. That is what the Resynchs are all about.
Resynchs are also a perfect bridge for you to invite people in your life that may be on the fence about Journeys, Yeshua, mediumship, etc.
These are sacred events in that they are focused on human foremost. The illumination of the Divine will come naturally through them.
Q: Why are they called a “Resynch”?
The word "resynch" comes from the word "Resynchronization." The 'Re' meaning “coming back to, returning.” The Synch means "together, aligned, whole." And Chronos means "In Time," like the word chronologically. So basically, Resynchronization means coming back together into the present. Restoring oneself to wholeness, presence, and peace.
What I see very often with many people I connect with, as well as myself, is that our deepest sense of feeling disconnected comes when we are just not synchronized in our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self. When your mind is galvanized and saying "stay up," and the physical body is saying "I NEED to sleep." Or the emotional body is saying "check the news" every 10 seconds when the spirit is saying, "rest, integrate, trust.”
Those are the moments we become fragmented. Mind is thinking about tomorrow. Heart is thinking about yesterday. Physical body is exhausted. Spirit body is suppressed. That results in fragmentation.
So I am designing these to restore us to Resynchronization, to wholeness, to presence. It is a beautiful, communal way to shed the external stresses from the previous month to enter the new month clear, whole, present, and supported.
Q: What can people expect from these offerings?
That is what we will explore. There will certainly be discussion of things like how to maintain clearer energy and intuition even in the face of external issues. And also discussion of important global events, upcoming global events that I see, what best to prioritize and focus on given the energetics of an upcoming month, and collective shifts that will be illuminating over the next years.
Each month will also have a certain focal area as a segue into co-creative sharing and discussion. February or March, I absolutely, due to request, wish to focus on plant medicines and the healthy balance of exploring them. In May I wish to cover financial abundance from the perspective of the Spirit within. April I will likely address the overwhelming increase in addiction and mental illness from a macro/collective, neuroscientific (my scientific background), and metaphysic lens.
But really, this is just a sacred space. I have learned not to plan, just allow. Given the amount of shifts we are collectively experiencing, there may be some Resynchs in which we all just come together and share in joy, grief, HUMOR (let us not undervalue that need), and transcendence.
Q: Will people be able to ask questions?
A: I do want to distinguish that the Resynchs are for our incredible collective group. I have many offerings for private sessions, small group sessions, and of course, the beautiful Journey experience in-person. This is not a space for those interested in private mediumship and focused personal questions. For anyone interested in a Group Session or Journey, please visit the website and let us know on the contact form.
However, yes, questions that are resonant and important for the collective whole of all attending will absolutely be answered. They can be sent in advance to anyone who registers. An amazing healer and cherished relation recently asked me the question, "How as a Light-Holder do I manage or handle those within my life that are deeply shut-off and in ego and judgment? How do I serve others that are so totally resistant and indoctrinated without becoming drained and frustrated?"
This is such a wonderful question and one that I will absolutely addressing in the first January Resynch, amongst others.
Q: How do we register for the monthly Resynchs? Do we need to attend live?
A: While we suggest attending live because it is so special, it is totally fine if you cannot attend live. You will receive the sound/video file after to listen to at your leisure.
After June, we will likely offer Resynchs through substack (thank you Elise for that recommendation). For now, registration goes through our website. One can either choose to attend one Resynch, or a few Resynchs, or all of them. The link is here.
For anyone who is interested in hearing the election Resynch from November, it can be found here.
Hi Elise, I've been following you, well, forever ... (just quietly over here) and I wanted to share something important with you about the fires. Yesterday in India, a celebration for millions began, it's called the Kumbh Mela, you may know about this. It's a celebration of consciousness, of our deep longing for Awakening. Tonight is the first of the yagyas, or sacred fires. My first yagya is tonight. I'll be sitting up from 11:00 p.m. till 2:00 a.m. ET with this sacred fire, and I just want to share this with you because I feel such a deep connection between where you are with the fire there in LA and where the holy fire in India is -- the yagya is to focus Shakti and purify our hearts and souls. This sacred fire is a great protection ... and I will pour it into every area of my life that needs enlightening. While I'm in the ceremony tonight, I will be requesting a deep connection between you guys over there in LA and all of the millions of people at the Kumbh and all of the hundreds of people at the yagya tonight. I'm sending you So much gratitude Elise for all you do and all you are, I send you love and sacred fire light.
Feel better, Maxie. And, thank you for sharing Carissa's download on all of this. You're just an amazing human to be going through what you're going through and still hold space for the collective. I adore you.