Hi Elise, I've been following you, well, forever ... (just quietly over here) and I wanted to share something important with you about the fires. Yesterday in India, a celebration for millions began, it's called the Kumbh Mela, you may know about this. It's a celebration of consciousness, of our deep longing for Awakening. Tonight is the first of the yagyas, or sacred fires. My first yagya is tonight. I'll be sitting up from 11:00 p.m. till 2:00 a.m. ET with this sacred fire, and I just want to share this with you because I feel such a deep connection between where you are with the fire there in LA and where the holy fire in India is -- the yagya is to focus Shakti and purify our hearts and souls. This sacred fire is a great protection ... and I will pour it into every area of my life that needs enlightening. While I'm in the ceremony tonight, I will be requesting a deep connection between you guys over there in LA and all of the millions of people at the Kumbh and all of the hundreds of people at the yagya tonight. I'm sending you So much gratitude Elise for all you do and all you are, I send you love and sacred fire light.

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Feel better, Maxie. And, thank you for sharing Carissa's download on all of this. You're just an amazing human to be going through what you're going through and still hold space for the collective. I adore you.

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Glad you all are safe, and sending prayers that the fires get put out soon.

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Thanks for this, I’ll definitely be signing up. I love Carissa, she’s fantastic. As I was reading this and listening to the radio “The Dance of the Clairvoyants” by Pearl Jam came on the radio. It’s uncanny really. That aside, sending you light from CT. And hopes the flu disappears soon and you can all go home.

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Hope you and your family stay safe and can go home soon. xx

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