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Words with Elise: Diabolical vs. Symbolic

Love this combo.

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Diabolical: To Throw Apart. Symbolic: With Together. Here’s Richard Rohr in The Wisdom Pattern: "The temptation in shadow times is to pull back from others, to move into a self-chosen exile. Then evil festers, because evil festers when people are cut off, which happens to be my criticism of so much of the prison system. Whenever we separate people in a state of alienation, evil festers; it doesn’t decrease. It’s the same when we pull into our personal prisons, our chosen exiles. That’s when marriages end, when there’s a refusal to remain in the dialogue. The very word diabolical means to throw apart. Thus we have the insidious nature of modern individualism. We cannot retreat there, although it is a great temptation in confused times such as these.”