Matriosm! I'm in!

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Great essay! I read your book earlier this summer. I have recommended to my book club and we will be reading it later this year. 😀 Thank you for sharing your scholarship and talent.

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This is so much of what I have been thinking this past week. Thank you!

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Love the reference to gender energies! Using that hence forth. While we are at a watershed moment, it’s quite disheartening that we as a species have such a deep-seated distrust in the female energy. Just consider the recent Taliban law making the female virtually invisible except at the will of men.

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I love all of this AND would love to read a piece just all about how you do this: “this was before I started keeping meticulous notes on everything I’ve read”

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This is all so well put. No matter one's opinions, we all have to hope to have barriers broken open the way to all.

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Really love this! I will henceforth be matriotic (don't have to tell me twice) especially since the Dems are finally making it clear that matriotism is not the same thing as nationalism. And though I haven’t referred to energies, per se, I have written a lot about the idea that we all have the need for autonomy and industry and the need for connection and emotional fulfillment and we're happier people when we're allowed to find a balance. I need to pick up On Our Best Behavior! Also, excited to see you interviewed Carol Gilligan. She was my mentor in grad school and chapter one of my book (out next week holy shit!) begins with her wisdom :)

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I love reading Pulling The Thread. However it’s Roger Bannister, not Robert, you might want to correct this.

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Patriotic would then mean being bound to your fatherland which is your ancestral home

Matriotic being the motherland would mean bound to where you were born or from

In which case matriotic should be the one more used

I'm both

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Another fantastic essay! Really enjoyed this, and always appreciate your perspective. Thank you for sharing.

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In Christ. As seen in the pieta. A mother son (parent child ) unbroken bond within - caring for our own suffering self

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